About Us

We aim to give you information about vaccinations as well as strategies to deal with the ignorant and arrogant, and support if you choose not to poison your child with vaccines.

While this is mostly what this website is about, there are other issues to do with natural child rearing and health covered here also. While vaccinations are one of the primary poisons causing the ill health and disability we have today in our children and also adults (as most were also poisoned as children), there are other poisons prominent today you need to be aware of and avoid.

You may also like to support my work by becoming a member of Vaccination Awareness and Information Service/ Healthy Lifestyles…Naturally. For your yearly membership gift ($25) you receive 4 (min) or 5 newsletters sent to you in the post, access to our extensive natural health, environmental, natural child raising, spiritual / personal development library (you can access thru the post), phone support when needed, and also the knowledge you are doing something to assist others to be educated about natural health and living. (Click here to download membership form).

©Stephanie Messenger 2010-2015            images[10]

Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional health advice. It may not represent your true individual health situation. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns