This sadly is becoming very common these days…a parent getting vaccination forced on their own children after they have split from their spouse/partner, through the court system.
Just know, no vaccine-educated parent ever wins these cases anymore, which means, the children get vaccinated to the hilt in a short time-frame on a catch-up schedule and future vaccines may also be included for years to come.
So what to do about this?
- Ideally, when you are pregnant for the first time you both need to research the vaccination topic in depth. Many men are into ‘science’ and they only want ‘scientific data’. This is Ok to start with as there is more than enough evidence from the scientific community and drug companies themselves to show vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. Two good sites for science are, Dr Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist (Harvard educated) – http://www.tetyanaobukhanych.com/ and Dr Sherri Tenpenny – used to work in ER at a major Atlanta hospital giving tetanus shots when needed – www.vaxxter.com – do not allow your partner to ‘just go along with’ whatever you decide. This is possibly the most important topic you will decide as parents.
- If you already have children, no matter their ages, you need to get your spouse to do some research. If need be, you find the articles for your spouse to read. Approach it this way: “I have been thinking about vaccines again and I want to make certain WE are doing the best thing for our child/children, and I need you to be as involved as I am in the decision (even if this is scary to say).”
At this point, you can ask what they truly think about vaccines. This will give you a very good understanding of the task ahead of you. If they come across as very pro-vaccine, but happy for you to make the decision, just know that at some time this can come back and bite you in the bum. You would be saying to this person, “No, this is too big a decision for me to make on my own. I would value your research on this matter. Let’s start by reading the product insert the drug company produces. Here is one site they are on and also on the government sites.
Once you have attempted to read these, investigate some of the ingredients – e.g. formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80, glysophate, aluminium salts etc. – the first 3 are known carcinogens – you may also supply an article on the incidence of childhood cancers rising – now reported as the leading cause of death in children in this country each year. Childhood cancers are also most prevalent in children 0-4 years – when they get the biggest onslaught of vaccines.
Make sure you have pen and paper handy to write down any questions that arise so you can investigate thoroughly.
Get one or two videos on vaccine education – The Truth About Vaccines is a great series of DVDs and also Vaccines Revealed is good – alternatively or as well as, here are 3 Youtube clips –
Doctor Suzanne Humphries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McfXd_Xuojs ;
Neil Z. Miller – Researcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI7JbqT8ttA ;
Dr Michael Farley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=884JDVPq05A
Also make sure you share the stories of vaccine deaths with your partner on Facebook. Ask him or her what they think about them. This can tell you their level of empathy.
You know when your spouse is educated enough on this topic when you hear him/her talking to their family and friends about the issue – until then, still more work to do!
So…EDUCATION IS KEY because a parent will rarely push for their child to be vaccinated if they believe it is poisoning of the system. Of course there are exceptions to this rule.
- If you are in a situation where you want to separate from your spouse, PLEASE wait (if there is no domestic violence) until you have educated the other parent. Your child’s health is depending on it! If this is not possible, make certain the parting is amicable and respectful. All cases over the past 15 years where I have attended court with mothers, the father has prevailed and the court has ordered the child be vaccinated. There is no winning for non-vaccinators in the court system at this time, no matter how much evidence you supply, and therefore, the children lose as well. So you want to keep this issue out of the court system. If the issue is brought up by the other parent (usually fathers), it is far better to say something like – “I am still researching this so we are being responsible parents, as this is too important an issue to not investigate, don’t you agree?” Include the father in on your research – DVDs are good for this – loan him one at a time – give him a week to watch and then ask him questions about it. Treat all his questions with respect as there is no such thing as a stupid question. Often men just want to be respected and feel this is not happening, so they act in a resentful, hostile way. If you started the conversation off with, “I value your input as a great father, so please watch this and tell me what you think.” You would get a lot further.
There are times when we have to be ‘the bigger person’ and not react to unkindness. Here are some quick things to say that can apply to situations regarding this issue:
If something is said about vaccinations being good because a doctor said so – “Yes, many doctors say that as that is what they learnt in medical school, however, there is so much new information out now they haven’t learnt.”
I am going to take our child to be vaccinated – “That will be a sad day for your relationship with _____, as it is a betrayal of trust to allow someone to poison him/her under your watch.”
My new partner wants our child vaccinated before my new child arrives – “We made a conscious, educated decision not to vaccinate for very sound reasons – have any of those reasons changed?” – “You’re a great parent, I hope you can educate your new partner about the vaccine dangers for the sake of your new baby.”
Always speak with respect and kindness. Try your absolute hardest not to react with anger, hostility, name-calling and frustration as this can escalate things quickly… besides, these emotions will not get you what you want. Remember, they are the ones who have the power in this situation. If your ex-partner wants to ‘get back at you’, give them another way to do this instead of risking your child’s health. Perhaps offer to receive less money from them (yes I know this will be difficult, however, when you weigh up what is at stake you may find this is the better option), in exchange for them not following through with vaccinating. If they agree to this, a legal document needs to be made outlining this for future reference. There are always ways to ‘make’ extra money to survive, however, your child’s health may not recover from vaccination poisoning. I would not mention a figure in this scenario, I would let them mention the figure as it may be less than what you are thinking.
- When you have separated and the courts are involved, I suggest you do NOT take your child to be vaccinated if the court orders it to happen. Make sure your legal team point out it is against your belief system and better judgment, and the father should be the one to carry out this act of poisoning.
If the father has to take the child to be vaccinated, it may just wake him up when he witnesses this happening. He may also witness side-effects and does not want the child vaccinated again.
If the father does take your child to be vaccinated, make sure you have video evidence of the child prior to vaccination and after vaccination. Document the date and find out what was administered. Document any side effects, and even take your child straight to a doctor to have the side effects documented in medical records if they happen. Make sure the father sees the side-effects first-hand and not just being told about them.
After this was done, I would personally see a homeopath to hopefully undo damage done. The downside of this is of course, the father may say the side effects were okay as the child is okay.
As well as the catch-up schedule, all future vaccines on the government schedule may be required as well, so this can be a long-term situation, until the child is educated about vaccine dangers and can speak for themselves and hopefully reject the poisoning. This is why it is also very important every child is thoroughly age-appropriately educated on this issue. In the school system there is a lot of propaganda on vaccines taught to children EVERY year. You need to combat this with the correct education EVERY year.
My book, Melanie’s Marvellous Measles addresses the vaccine issue and also healing from diseases naturally if one is contracted. My other book, Sarah Visits A Naturopath further discusses vaccination and also covers how to build the immune system naturally. They are on my website www.stephaniemessenger.com .
Lastly, please take responsibility for your part of the situation. Things escalate quickly because often two people did not act in line with their highest good. I have had many a mother on the phone crying and calling their ex-partner many derogatory names because of the situation they have found themselves in. Many thought their marriage was rock solid and it ‘would never happen to them.’ Let me just say, you do not know what life has in store, so play it safe and thoroughly educate your partner and for that matter, all those around you!
Importance of Educating Your Children About Vaccines and Other Issues.
Some years ago I read an article about educating children and the effects of television on children, and I found it was very interesting how the human mind gathers, processes and absorbs information.
It seems that what the mind hears first, if it sounds plausible (and what doesn’t to a young child), the mind retains and regards that first information as fact; even years later. The article further went on to report that when a person hears something that contradicts the previous information, the mind will most often just reject that information without further thought. This is especially true if the information came from a trusted source like parents or school.
This highlights the importance of educating your children long before they get to school or even pre-school as they are being indoctrinated with propaganda at an early age at these institutions. They are being told by teachers, principals, school nurses and other parents that vaccinations are safe and effective and that the unvaccinated are causing the epidemics responsible for the deaths of other children.
There are also printed materials at school from Governments telling children it’s the responsible and smart thing to do, not to mention the many cartoons, children’s programs and movies that all weigh in on this topic.
This is the primary reason for me writing my children’s books – Melanie’s Marvellous Measles, Sarah Visits A Naturopath, Vegetarian Muscles and Don’t Bully Billy.
They are all written to educate your children and also leave room for you to add information. Many have told me the books have created a great discussion amongst children as old as 16 years, and, I have had several parents tell me they became better educated from reading these books to their children also.
Here’s a summary of each book:
Melanie’s Marvellous MeaslesIn this book Melanie has measles despite being fully vaccinated. Her friend Tina goes to visit her after school. Tina’s mother takes some foods to help Melanie get through the measles. Melanie tells Tina what it’s like to have measles and they go and play together. Tina is not scared of measles as other children in her class were. She happily hugs her friend. Tina is not vaccinated as her brother had a bad reaction to his shots so Tina’s parents looked into the issue. They decided it was not worth the risks. For Australia, N.Z. and U.K. this book is available on www.naturematters.info. For all other countries it is available on stephaniemessenger.com |
Sarah Visits A NaturopathSarah is invited to lots of birthday parties that take a toll on her health so her mother takes her to a naturopath who talks to Sarah about why she is unwell and what she can do naturally to improve her wellbeing. The Naturopath briefly talks about the role a fever, and about vaccines being full of toxins and not working. This book is designed to educate children about taking responsibility for their health and reinforces what parents are telling them. Often children will ‘switch off’ when being told by a parent about eating sugar, drinking plenty of water etc., so this book serves to strengthen parent’s efforts. Available only on www.naturematters.info |
Don’t Bully BillyNot one child in Western society escapes the horrors of bullying. It is truly a global issue that has been going on for decades now. The problem is seldom addressed at a deep level. This book addresses the true cause of bullying and gives children skills and ideas on how to tackle the issue whether they are a bystander or the person being bullied. The book is careful not to demonize the bully. One mother read the book to her 7 year old son who then opened up to the mother about being bullied that very day. This book is for every child because every child will see, hear about or be involved in bullying at some time in their childhood. Available at www.naturematters.info and also www.dontbullybilly.com.au |
Vegetarian MusclesIn the media and in jokes, too often vegetarians are portrayed as weak. In this book this myth is put to bed when the children learn about their vegetarian animal friends. The parents in the book talk about organic gardening, protein sources, sustainability and respect for the planet. There are plenty of openings for parents to open up discussion about why they have chosen vegetarianism from a health angle as well as from an environmental and spiritual perspective. This book is only available on www.naturematters.info |
The books are A4 size and have 32 pages of text and beautiful, colourful illustrations that keep the children interested and focused.
These books are a great gift idea for kids to give to their friends and cousins, and for grandparents to keep handy to read when the grandkids come to visit.
Get a few of each to be ready for when a gift is needed in a hurry!
Email for a special price for orders over 10 books to Stephanie@naturematters.info
©Stephanie Messenger 2010-2015
Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional health advice. It may not represent your true individual health situation. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns